January 2022 Update

January 15, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Snowy DaysSnowy DaysBlack and white photography of 19th century barns weathering a snowstorm in the Adirondacks. The snow, seemingly suspended in the air, gives the photograph a painterly look.

"Snowy Days"

Greetings and Happy New Year! 

A fresh start!  I'm taking the changing of the new year & using it to shift my focus. Since 2008, I've been running an Etsy shop to sell my photography & only using this website as a portfolio. After years of frustration with Etsy, I've decided to place my energy & attention here. I'll still keep my Etsy shop open, but I'll be downsizing it quite a bit & using it to promote my handmade photo bags & aprons.  They are a huge hit at the Lake Placid & Saranac Lake markets!  Check them out here: Bags & Aprons.  Someday, perhaps, I'll even get them listed here & be done with Etsy altogether!  

Winter in the Adirondacks is in full swing with stretches of below 0 temps & brutal winds. A perfect time to sit at the computer & get stuff done!  I am uploading new photos weekly, working my way through captions/keywords, & making prints available for sale. Every week I get a little more done, so I do hope you'll continue to stop by & see what's new!

Other goals for the year include entering more juried shows, getting back to cyanotype printing, & getting behind the camera more! I will also try to do a monthly blog post to talk about progress, photography, & maybe even a little about the farm that I run in the summer. 

I hope this post finds you all well in these difficult times. Have any fun projects that you're working on?  I'd love to hear about them in the comments!

Until next time, CHEERS! 


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